Injury Financial, Inc.

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About Us injury financial
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Injury Financial can eliminate the uncomfortable situation of attorneys lending money to their clients. We work with attorneys with professional reputations in the legal community. We can provide a cash advance in just a few days as opposed to other firms that take a few weeks. We work with sole practitioners as well as large firms.

Injury Financial understands that injured clients are not working and cannot pay their bills. We want you to hang in there and hold out for the highest possible settlement.

Injury Financial is a California Corporation that specializes in making cash advances on personal injury cases. We are not a loan company and we do not charge interest. We require no credit application or credit approval. We make cash advances to clients and lawyers.

Injury Financial recognizes that in order to maximize the potential of a personal injury case, both the client and the lawyer must have staying power. They must be able to have the financial resources to go head to head with insurance companies with deep pockets. When an insurance carrier senses financial inability or desperation, they can take advantage of you - the client and you- the lawyer.

Injury Financial can provide you - the lawyer with the staying power you need to finance your case as it should be.

Injury Financial provides you- the client with the staying power you need to hang in there without pressuring your lawyer for a quick settlement. An advance provides the client the comfort of waiting to get top dollar.

Injury Financial recognizes that when people are seriously injured, their entire lives are turned upside down. Being under pressure, unable to work and in pain affects your relationship with spouses, family, friends, employees and attorneys.

Injury Financial takes the pressure off by making fast cash advances. We have the expertise to evaluate your case and the resources to bail you out of a difficult situation.

Injury Financial can make you a cash advance no matter where in the U.S. you live.

Injury Financial assesses all the risk with a simple questionaire and the input of the lawyer. If lightening strikes and you receive no payment - no settlement- no judgment - no award- you owe Injury Financial nothing. If however, there is a payment, then and only then does Injury Financial get paid the advance and its risk fee.

Injury Financial provides you with a risk fee schedule that is based upon the amount of your recovery and how long it takes to get the result.


Injury Financial, Inc.   9663 Santa Monica Blvd., # 746   Beverly Hills,  CA   90210   [P]: 888.795.9300  [F]: 310.276.1855 
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